mobile device

Between 2015 – 2016 revenue from desktops compared to mobile changed a bunch. Before, you could bet about 60% came from desktops. Now Google is seeing a 50/50 split.

By 2018 the company projects that nearly three-quarters of Googles net ad revenue worldwide will come from mobile internet ad placements.

Still not convinces that you need a mobile responsive site? Here are a 5 reasons your business should go mobile:

  1. Your customers expect it. Even if you are a B2B, your customers have the convenience for other things they search on their device. Think about your own eye roll moment when you come across a site that isn’t.
  2. Newman already did. That company that is your biggest competitor, stealing clients away from you…your Newman – chances are they are already mobile. Don’t be left behind! Hopefully you are staying ahead of the guys trying to catch up!
  3. Sales will cheer. Sitting in an airport, at a convention – everywhere and anywhere you want your team to be able to pull out a phone/device and give them your best first impression.
  4. Organic isn’t just for veggies. According to Google, customers able to research products and services from mobile devices participated in some form of sales conversation 28% of the time.
  5. This isn’t a Laserdisc. We have seen the newest thing come, fail and go. This isn’t one of those things. The move to mobile is the natural progression of technology to be more convenient, more adaptable, and more responsive to our needs.

Despite some additional cost of adapting your platform and solutions to the web, the cost is worth every penny. The change will benefit your business in the long-run, outweighing the initial investment by a considerable margin. Greater customer expectations and a more crowded marketplace, your team will be ready, with better communications, improved agility, more comprehensive analytics, and the tools they need to turn opportunities into revenue.

Don’t know where to start? Call me at Bayou Web Design+, 985-503-1861.

web design

So you want your business ranking on Google to be higher and your web developer (me) has suggested that you start a blog. As you try to keep your grumbles to a minimum, I realize that the task seems like a tornado in a corn field…blank, a little scary and totally foreign. I like to write even for other people. I can hear them talk about their passion in my head.  I understand that this joy is not shared with everyone especially when you say the “B” word…that’s right…BLOG!

If you are still reading, thank you! So here is the good news , it  is that no matter what industry you are in, it is likely that someone is making some great content about it already. I am not advocating that you pass someone’s creative, hard work as your own but sometimes we all need a little inspiration! Google is your best friend in searching for trending or best of lists. I can’t count the pages of “best marketing blogs” or “top marketing blogs” I regularly read, follow and go to for inspiration.

How to get into the blog groove:

Step 1. Discover: You will spend way more time than you really want to scanning the internet for bloggers you can follow and put out good content on the regular. The internet is already a time suck but hang in there! Remember this is going to grow your business and bring more traffic to your site. The best part really will be you will find a community of folks that geek out about the stuff you do every day. Search for newsletters, social media, blogs and videos.

Step 2. Read: Like really read. I suggest a list of 10-20 people but no more for go to sources and as you will see, people come and go so if one gets stale drop them. Don’t forget to mark your favorites, make a spreadsheet with link, highlight titles that immediately get you going and are strong in your field.

Step 3: Share: Who says every word has to come from you? If someone has said it better than you ever could, there is nothing wrong with giving someone the praise they deserve. Just don’t make it all the time or every time. Browse fees to adjust titles and don’t you dare post without an image, hashtag or mentions.

Once you get in a rhythm, time doing this will become less and less. I like to go deep and get an entire month schedule in one day.

If all else fails, know when you say when and hire someone who loves to write, check grammar and or hears voices in their head.